Moving to Mexico for Online Poker – Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen is a Poker Refugees Mexico destination. In the video below, we talk face to face with a player named Shane Daniels, who moved out of the US for the first time with the help of Poker Refugees.

At Poker Refugees, we have spoken with thousands of poker players and heard many stories. We felt that Shane’s story represented many players in similar situations. We hope that if you are thinking of moving for online poker, whether from the US or any other country, watching this video and listening to Shane’s experience can help.

Below the video, please find the written transcript of the questions/answers.

Shane Daniels Interview Transcript
2:38 – Poker Refugees (PR): What have you been doing since Black Friday? When did you start thinking about moving?
Shane Daniels (SD):I knew that I wanted something different and something more. I heard about Poker Refugees through a friend …  once I made the decision to come down to relocate to play poker, it was in the back of my mind. I had read the testimonials online and knew this was a good company that could help me with what I wanted to do.
4:12 – PR: When did you make the decision to use Poker Refugees instead of just coming down and trying to figure it out on your own?
SD: There’s so many aspects of a relocation; it’s just very stressful … I had so much to take care of back home … I really wanted to hire a professional who knew what she was doing, knew the area, had experience relocating others and could take all the stress off my shoulders and do all the other stuff I couldn’t do myself, for me. 

With Poker Refugees’ help I was able to get everything I needed taken care of before I came down to Playa – which was really important to me… 
I wanted to play poker right when I got here – I wanted to have fun of course … I wanted to enjoy myself right away and I don’t think I could have done that without the help of PR … I was just extremely satisfied with what they took care of for me and the stress they took off my shoulders.
5:44 – PR: How did Playa as a destination meet your needs, and the property PR found for you?
SD: At first I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go … I did my research obviously online but Kristin did a good job helping me understand what life was like in Playa … I couldn’t be happier; I’ve just fallen in love with the people here … the nightlife is amazing. Playa serves other needs as well.
7:00 – PR: What was going through your mind as you were boarding the plane in MN – you were leaving the us for the first time; were you nervous?
SD: Yeah as I’ve said before; it was stressful packing up and moving to a new country. The sound of it is kinda scary and of course my family was concerned that I was going to Mexico … it gets a bad rep from the media that negatively portrays it …
Mexico isn’t so scary after all…
7:47 – PR: What were your concerns prior to moving?
SD: My initial reservation for moving to another country was first of all that I wouldn’t be safe, that I wouldn’t know anyone and that I would forget things [not do things correctly and not know what to do], opening a bank account and setting up internet, all those things Poker Refugees took care of. Kristin introduced me to the players living here … it’s a strong community. Everyone is receptive to meeting new people.
8:58 – PR: What did you think of the PR process of planning everything in advance of your arrival?
SD: Yeah, I mean, that was another huge reason why I chose Poker Refugees. Their plan for my relocation was so front loaded getting all of the tedious paperwork and documents necessary to get onto the sites were prepared ahead of time. When I got here, all I had to do was send a couple emails to Pokerstars and Full Tilt and I was up and running in 2 days.

It was just very easy with all the work taken care of for me ahead of time, I was able to focus on what I wanted to do and what my goals were in living here. It just took away all the stress. I really was able to do whatever I wanted right when I got here because Poker Refugees was taking care of all the stuff I didn’t want to do, you know?…
The not-so-fun stuff so I could focus on enjoying things … Everything was very organized … I chose my property ahead of time [which was an option for me] so I could come the first day, put my bags down and live there … I had a driver pick me up from the airport and take me right to Kristin … she showed me around and utilized her skill speaking Spanish to communicate with the landlord … Kristin is fluent … it was just very easy I would say … it was easy and stress-free …
Shane testing the internet with his Uruguayan landlord
11:33 – PR: What advice would you give to other players possibly thinking of moving for the 1sttime?
Are you glad you made the decision?
SD: It sounds cliché but YOLO … I really felt that I got to a point in my life where I needed a change and you know, poker is an uncertain profession … you could be unsuccessful or make a lot of money … but I wanted a change in lifestyle … I wanted to get up an enjoy the day instead of getting out of bed and grumbling about the weather …
I think for any poker players looking to relocate and looking for a change, don’t hold off on it. You’re only gonna live once you’re only gonna have 1 shot at doing something different. 
Once you start having kids and having a family it’s only going to get harder to relocate so my advice to all you single guys out there is move to someplace beautiful like Playa, have some fun, enjoy being single and enjoy your life. Honestly, I feel like I’m 27 years old and I waited too long [to move] to be honest. Your 20s and 30s are a special time in your life where you should be enjoying your life, meeting new people and enjoying other cultures and traveling.
As a poker player, that gives us a unique opportunity; we’re able to play online. You can’t do this back in the States …
“I want to give a huge thank you to Kristin and the Poker Refugees family. I’m really enjoying my life. Anyone who’s out there looking to make a change for the better and do something different and improve your lifestyle, I encourage to contact Poker Refugees. Contact Kristin and tell her your situation and she’ll do everything in her power to accomplish those goals for you.”

Shane seems to be adjusting well to the lifestyle in Playa del Carmen!

Thank you for sharing your story with the other players, Shane!
To contact Poker Refugees click here or email
Kristin, owner of Poker Refugees – we work anywhere, anytime for our players!

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